Lirik Greet Tomorrow ALFFY REV ft Afifah ft Mr.Headbox

Haii semua lama engga up lirik lagu, di artikel kali ini aku bakal kasih tau lirik lagu dari Alffy Rev yang baru keluar kemaren 23 Maret 2018, So langsung ajaaaa


The sun is rising
Take a look at it rays and
Can you see it's shining bright, the light is warm
you up right through your skin

Can you syop complaining
You don't need to crying
You are not the only one who face the life with
your scream...

It doesn't matter when you're lost in cold day
You will find the way to make it your way
Even if the skies get dark and grey it won't get it
our way
It doesn't matter when they talking all day
They ain't even better then us, so stay
We can fight together, don't give up we'll make it

Reff :

Wake up... no more...
Tears drop on the floor
Get rid of sorrow...we'll go
Run the world and greet tomorrow...

We can climb the mountain
Break the walls that blocking
Wa can clear the air and we will come into one's
own as all we want

Can you stop complaining
You don't need to crying
You are not the only one who face the life with
your scream...

It doesn't matter when you're lost in cold day
You will find the way to make it your way
Even if the skies get dark and grey it won't get it
our way
It doesn't matter when they talking all the day
They ain's even better then us, so stay
We can fight together, don't give up we'll make it

Back to Reff

Voice Over :
Life is about dreaming, living without a dream is a mistake, it's not easy to reach a star far from the eye but reality keeps us away from our expectations, success is a choice, everyone has equal opportunity but the problem is what is yours choice?
Go ask yourself!

Run the world and greet tomorrow
Run the worls and greet tomorrow

Kalau kalian mau dengerin lagunya bisa check di Itunes atau di Spotify. Check juga video nya di Youtube channel Alffy Rev Official, See You..


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